万紫千红之咽音会友 3

“咽音练声法”是著名男中音歌唱家,医学博士林俊卿先生创立的,以提高发音效率为目标的嗓音训练方法。主要功效就是能够极大加强练习者发音能力和持久力。 南华潮剧社开办 “咽音班” 也已有十余年了,许多潮剧爱好者和歌唱爱好者通过对咽音的了解和学习,认识到嗓音训练在歌唱艺术表演中的重要性。同时也体会到正确的发声方法还能起到保护嗓音健康的作用。

“咽音会友”演出旨在为我社“咽音班”学员提供一个展示他们学习成果的舞台,也邀来吴小琦音乐室和华中校友会卡拉OK歌唱班的声乐同好者们同台献艺,友好交流。 希望能与所有歌唱爱好者们分享一个嗓音保健、嗓音卫生、嗓音提升发展的方法,传达一个保持嗓音青春的信息。 特别是从普通的嗓音迈向艺术嗓音的途径。 这将会是“咽音会友”的第三期演出,欢迎更多歌唱爱好者前来观看支持,更欢迎有兴趣的朋友加入、交流、和相互学习,使人人都有一个好声音。


扫描海报中的QR码或点击右侧按钮订票即可报名订票,如有疑问, 也欢迎联系我们咨询。


“Nam Hwa Blazes: Sing With Friends” is back for a third round! 

“Pharyngeal voice training method” was founded by a famous baritone singer, Dr. Lin Junqing, to improve the efficiency of pronunciation. The main effect is to greatly strengthen the pronunciation ability and endurance of the practitioner. It has been more than ten years since Nam Hwa Opera started the Vocalisation course, using the “Pharyngeal voice training method”. Many Teochew opera lovers and singing lovers have realized the importance of voice training in the art form of singing through the understanding and learning of the pharynx. At the same time, it was also realized that the correct vocal method can also play a role in protecting the health of the voice.

“Sing With Friends” performances aim to provide a stage for our students from said Vocalisation class to showcase what they have learned. Also, friends from Wu Xiaoqi Music Studio and Hwa Chong Alumni Association karaoke singing class will join us to perform. We hope to share with all who love to sing a method to protect and develop their voices, to convey a message of maintaining the health of the voice. This will be the third edition of “Nam Hwa Blazes: Sing With Friends”.  We welcome more friends to come support us, join us, and develop a better voice with us!

8 October, 3 pm. Come join us in “Nam Hwa Blazes: Sing With Friends 3” at Singapore Chinese Culture Centre Multi-Purpose Hall

Tickets are free but registration is required. Scan the QR code in this poster or click on the “Book Now” botton on the right to register for your tickets. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!



新加坡华族文化中心多功能礼堂, 七楼

8 October 2023, 3 pm

Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Multi-Purpose Hall, Level 7


📧 admin@namhwaopera.com

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