"The Legacy In Me"
Children Opera Show

去年11月的《万紫千红之我是传承人》演出赢得满堂喝彩,反响热烈,为传承交上了一张漂亮的成绩单。为了更进一步地激励我们少儿班的小学员们,我们将把《我是传承人》保留为每年的固定演出项目 – 少儿戏曲汇演《我是传承人》。这将会是一系列荟萃中华传统文化精髓,由我们可爱的少儿演员倾心演绎的视听盛宴。

👧 少儿演员倾情献艺


🌟 汇聚经典剧目

《我是传承人》 汇集了中华传统戏曲的经典,多种戏曲艺术形式,将传统与现代相结合,呈现出以儿童为主角的戏曲盛宴。

🎭 传统与现代完美融合




The performance of “Nam Hwa Blazes: The Legacy In Me” in November last year received thunderous applause and enthusiastic feedback, marking a splendid achievement in heritage preservation. To further inspire our young students in the children’s class, we have decided to make “The Legacy In Me” a recurring annual show – the Children’s Chinese Opera Show “The Legacy In Me”. This series will showcase the essence of traditional Chinese culture, presented with heartfelt dedication by our adorable young actors.

🌟 Featuring classic Chinese opera, this show blends tradition with modernity, showcasing the passion and talent of our young actors.

👧 Witness the future stars of Chinese opera, carefully selected from Nam Hwa Opera’s ongoing training courses for children , as they bring timeless characters to life.

🎭 Experience the perfect fusion of tradition and modern creativity through exquisite stage design and cutting-edge technology.

Embark on a journey with us through millennia of culture with “The Legacy In Me”! Scan the QR code on the poster click on the button to register for your tickets. Your support is key to the success of this Children’s Chinese Opera Show – don’t miss out!


📆:31-03-2024, 3pm

📍:新加坡华族文化中心九楼表演厅 Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Auditorium, Level 9


📧 admin@namhwaopera.com

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