Nam Hwa Opera: Opera Fantasia

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In a well-versed match between Nam Hwa’s Teochew Opera and Sin Ming Sing’s Cantonese Opera, both troupes will make their grand entrances on the traditional, yet innovative performance filled with soothing tunes, and the beauty of traditional opera that has been inherited over a hundred years ago.
Join us for a great afternoon with two traditional opera groups standing on one stage performing in 2 different dialects.
Tickets are free but registration is required. Scan the QR code on the poster or click the link below to register for your tickets. Get in touch with us by phone or email if you have any inquiries about the tickets!



新加坡华族文化中心多功能礼堂, 七楼

17 September 2023, 3 pm

Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Multi-Purpose Hall, Level 7


📧 admin@namhwaopera.com

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