年度大戏 《白兔记》

潮剧戏宝《白兔记》是部历久不衰的经典潮剧。故事讲述的是刘智远与三娘成婚不久,刘被迫赴山西投军。兄嫂逼迫三娘改嫁被拒之,二人恼怒之下,罚李三娘白天担水夜推磨。三娘在家遭受兄嫂虐待,一日晚于磨房分娩无人接生,只得用牙咬断脐带,取名咬脐。其兄狠毒,将咬脐抛入鱼池,幸被老仆人窦通所救,并将婴孩送往刘智远投军处。此时刘智远已入赘岳府,不敢收留其子,窦公痛切三娘之苦,感动了贤惠的岳秀英,她自愿承担养子义务。十六年后,刘咬脐率众出猎,射白兔追至井边,得遇三娘井边汲水诉说冤情,咬指写书,托与寻夫问子之事。刘咬脐携血书急赶回家,禀告父亲刘智远。智远接看血书,确认其妻李三娘所写,思念前情,不禁泪下。 咬脐再三追问,智远言明写书人乃其生母。咬脐闻之,放声痛哭,致惊动二娘岳氏。 隐情披露后,岳氏劝夫命儿,接回李三娘,一家团聚。
林 玉(中国)饰演 李三娘
许绮丽(中国)饰演 岳秀英
黄琳琳(中国)饰演 刘咬脐
陈巧莲 (新加坡)饰演 刘智远
陈玉勇(新加坡)饰演 老王
蔡德喜(新加坡)饰演 九成

The White Rabbit is a classic Chinese opera that has withstood the test of time and remained popular till this day. Set in around 900AD in ancient China, the story is about Li Yaoqi and his reunion with his mother.
Shortly after Liu Zhiyuan and Sanniang were wedded, Zhiyuan was forced to join the army in Shanxi. Sanniang, being left alone at home, was abused by her elder brother Li Hong and his wife and made to carry water by day and push the stone mill by night. One night, Sanniang gave birth to a baby boy alone and named him Yaoqi. The malicious Li Hong and his wife transpired to drown Yaoqi. Fortunately, Yaoqi was saved by the housekeeper, Dou Tong. In order to save the boy from Li Hong, Dou Tong sent Yaoqi to Zhiyuan’s camp. Zhiyuan, who was made to believe that Sanniang had died, was already married to Yue Xiuying and was hesitant to take in his son. After hearing Sanniang’s story, Xiuying was moved and agreed to take in Yaoqi.
Sixteen years later, Yaoqi, now a grown man, led his troops on a hunting trip and was chasing down a white rabbit when he saw the now-haggard Sanniang. After hearing Sanniang’s grievances, Yaoqi went home and sought the truth from his father. Zhiyuan, tearing up after learning of Sanniang’s experiences, told Yaoqi the truth. Upon learning this, Xiuying persuaded Zhiyuan to order his son to bring back Sanniang and the family was finally reunited.
We invite actors from China to join our cast in Singapore to bring this classic Teochew story to life.
Lin Yu (China) as Li Sanniang
Xu Qili (China) as Yue Xiuying
Huang Linlin (China) as Liu Yaoqi
Tan Kah Noi (Singapore) as Liu Zhiyuan
Tan Gek Yong (Singapore) as Lao Wang
Terri Chua (Singapore) as Jiu Cheng



2023年3月4 – 5日
4 – 5 March 2023

新加坡华族文化中心 表演厅,九楼
Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Auditorium, Level 9